-€ 254,00 Promo Promo DUOTONE Click Bar Quad control 2024 met quick release freeride € 585,00 € 839,00 In winkelwagen
-35% Promo Promo CABRINHA DRIFTER 2024 € 1.104,35 € 1.699,00 Often imitated, but never equaled, the Drifter remains the go to kite for anything to do with waves, directional boards. As the name suggests, the kite is synonymous with it’s Drift ability. Put it in position and ride down the line, the kite gives you the confidence to concentrate on the wave ahead instead of having to fly the kite. But the Drifter... In winkelwagen
-35% Promo Promo CABRINHA SWITCHBLADE 2024 € 1.123,85 € 1.729,00 The longest running and most successful kite in the industry is back for it’s 17th year. The kite that spawned not only a style of riding but also a whole generation of kiters has evolved into the highest performing Switchblade to date. Taking the known Switchblade DNA, the creatives in CAB Design Works team have evolved this 5 strut design through use of... In winkelwagen
-35% Promo Promo CABRINHA MOTO X APEX 2024 € 1.331,85 € 2.049,00 Apex Series: The highest point and most successful Series in design, performance, and durability. As a top-tier product in this class, the Moto X surpasses all conventional expectations and sets new benchmarks in its industry. It’s a kite that can be flown anywhere, by anyone. A kite that allows you to choose the way you ride. A kite that will take you to... In winkelwagen
-35% Promo Promo CABRINHA MOTO X 2024 € 1.169,35 € 1.799,00 Who is the best rider at your local spot. The one having the most fun. The Moto X is your ticket to good times. Whether you ride a twin tip or a surfboard, this kite will help you take your kiting to the next level and allow you to have the most fun on the journey. The Moto X is a kite that can be flown anywhere, by anyone. A kite that allows you to... In winkelwagen
-35% Promo Promo DUOTONE Dice SLS 2024 € 1.351,35 € 2.079,00 Whatever your style, the Dice SLS is the ultimate in versatility for the experienced rider. Whether pushing the boundaries of freestyle, boosting massive airs, executing adrenaline-fuelled kite loops, or tackling waves, this kite delivers the performance you need to take your skills to the next level. In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo DUOTONE Rebel SLS 2024 € 1.434,30 € 2.049,00 New and improved for 2024, the Rebel SLS delivers incredible performance in a very easy-to-use package. With it’s familiar Rebel sheet-and-go feeling, it’s the perfect tool for big air and freeriding. In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo DUOTONE Soleil SLS 2024 € 839,30 € 1.199,00 The Soleil SLS packs in all the amazing female-specific design features of the new Soleil and combines them with a Biax Carbon and Textreme Innegra SLS construction that embodies our stronger, lighter, superior philosophy. These advanced materials not only reduce the weight and strengthen the board but also enhance the performance, giving you a faster,... In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo DUOTONE Soleil Concept Blue 2024 € 538,30 € 769,00 As a female kiteboarder, it’s essential to have gear designed to suit your smaller frame and weight; otherwise, you will be riding a board that is too stiff and hard to carve. That’s where the new Soleil comes in, a board designed by women for women. With its narrower outline, you’ll have loads of fun carving from rail to rail, while the larger Space Flex... In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo DUOTONE Select SLS 2024 € 839,30 € 1.199,00 New for 2024, the Select SLS features a new asymmetric top deck which focuses the flex characteristics on the heel edge of the board. Combined with a new outline and our high-tech SLS construction, strong light superior, the board delivers an exhilarating ride. Perfect for big air, especially with the stiffer heel edge allowing for superior pop, it’s a... In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo DUOTONE Select Concept Blue 2024 € 538,30 € 769,00 New for 2024 is an asymmetric deck shape, updated outline and our new Concept Blue construction. Flax Fibre combines with Basalt Stringers to provide a smooth but engaging ride while being natural materials that are far more sustainable. The Select is the perfect choice for riders who want to enjoy cruising and boost big jumps on the water. It offers... In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo DUOTONE Jaime SLS 2024 € 839,30 € 1.199,00 The Jaime SLS is an incredibly versatile board, perfect for big air, freestyle and freeride when the mood takes you. You will discover outstanding performance that is easy to access, no matter your skill level. Whether you’re looking to land that new trick or clinch the local spot’s height title, the Jaime SLS has fantastic pop and can propel you to the... In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Product is beschikbaar met verschillende opties Promo DUOTONE Entity Ergo 2024 € 174,30 € 249,00 View
-40% Promo Promo REEDIN NoBrainer 2 2023 € 749,40 € 1.249,00 Nobrainer is for those who want one directional board for every situation. The NoBrainer lets you cruise through choppy water, sticks to your feet when jumping, and the unique Rocker will allow for serious waveriding no matter the type of waves. Its unique kick rocker allows for the easiest pure flat water “ollie type” jumps you’ll ever experience. Key... In winkelwagen
-40% Promo Promo REEDIN SuperWave 2 2023 € 749,40 € 1.249,00 Made to ride waves, without or with straps, it provides amazing drive for the easiest bottom turns to top turns transition possible. The rocker, outline and rail shape is inspired from pure high performance surfboards and lets you focus 100% on your waveriding. The Rocker is fairly high with a constant curve for precise and incisive turns. The outline... In winkelwagen
-30% Promo Promo REEDIN DreamStick X 2024 € 447,30 € 639,00 DreamStick X is the most streamlined, functional, simple and best quality control system you’ve ever held. Featuring our all new Monobloc depower, built with double cavities – for flagging line and depower rope – providing the best auto-swivelling solution possible while still ensuring the freedom of movement to let you steer and depower at the same... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Wam D/LAB 2024 € 699,50 € 1.399,00 De Wam D/Lab beschikt over een zeer vooruitstrevende surfboard-constructie, dit maakt het board comfortabeler en duurzamer maakt en zorgt voor een dynamisch gevoel op het water. Met een klassieke outline en ook moderne kenmerken, is dit de beste keuze wanneer je een veelzijdig board voor alle omstandigheden zoekt. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Hybrid SLS 2024 € 649,50 € 1.299,00 Op zoek naar het meest veelzijdige board op de markt? De Hybrid SLS is een foil board, strapless freestyleboard en een wave ripper! Dankzij het unieke ontwerp van de base is het eigenlijk drie boards in één, perfect voor op reis of als je thuis niet veel ruimte hebt. Nooit meer het verkeerde board mee naar het strand! In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Voke SLS 2024 € 599,50 € 1.199,00 Als je op zoek bent naar het toppunt van freestyle prestaties, dan is de Voke SLS het board voor jou. Ontworpen voor meervoudig wereldkampioenen Airton Cozzolino en James Carew, presteert dit speciale strapless board beter dan alles wat er op de markt verkrijgbaar is. Met zijn platte rocker, snelle rails en oneindige pop is dit het must have strapless... In winkelwagen
-40% Promo Product is beschikbaar met verschillende opties Promo Duotone Whip 2024 € 629,40 € 1.049,00 Perfect voor het rippen in kleine tot middelgrote golven. De Whip is het beste board als je verticaal de pocket in wilt, maar ook de nieuwste tricks wilt laten zien. De compacte shape en parallelle rails zorgen voor veel drive in de bochten en maken dat het board zeer gemakkelijk te gijpen is. View
-15% Promo Promo Duotone Traction Pad Team Front 2024 € 84,15 € 99,00 Maximale controle en ultieme grip zonder de nadelen die het gebruik van wax met zich meebrengt. Met behulp van alle 8 stuks wordt ook het gebied tussen de voor- en achterpad afgedekt. De keuze van wereldkampioenen. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Session SLS 5'10 2021 € 574,50 € 1.149,00 CARVING IN MEDIUM TO BIG WAVES When the swell charts turn black, it’s time to get on the Session SLS, the big wave charger that carves like it is on rails and delivers a confidence-inspiring ride no matter how big it gets. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Whip D/LAB 2024 € 699,50 € 1.399,00 Ons compacte shape board, nu in de gloednieuwe baanbrekende D/LAB-constructie, voorzien van de Reflex Memory Foam Shock Absorber. De Whip D/LAB is perfect voor het shredden van kleine tot middelgrote golven en strapless freestyle, met een enorme hoeveelheid prestaties in een zeer compact pakket. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Fish D/LAB 2024 € 699,50 € 1.399,00 De Fish D/LAB profiteert van de voordelen van de magische D/LAB constructie! Hierdoor zijn de prestaties optimaal om het beste uit elke sessie te halen, ongeacht de omstandigheden! Het ultieme board voor dagen waarop de wind en de golven niet helemaal meewerken - maximaliseer de kracht in elke bocht en je zal sneller kunnen varen dan alle anderen met nog... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Whip SLS 2024 € 599,50 € 1.199,00 De Whip SLS is favoriet onder veel riders; een super geschikt board voor kleine tot middelgrote golven dat alles aankan. De compacte shape maakt het ook perfect voor strapless freestyle, waardoor dit het perfecte board is voor riders die graag dikke airs maken, maar ook in de golven willen rippen. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Session SLS 2024 € 599,50 € 1.199,00 De Session SLS is het go-to surfboard als de swell heftig wordt. Het board biedt eindeloze grip tijdens het carven, gecombineerd met een enorme hoeveelheid snelheid en maximale controle in alle omstandigheden. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Fish SLS 2024 € 599,50 € 1.199,00 De Fish SLS kwam een paar jaar geleden met een enorm succes op de markt, herdefinieerde hoe een kite-surfboard eruit kon zien en veranderde onze vooroordelen over prestaties in mindere condities. Dit board levert veel drive en kracht zodat elke sessie een succes wordt, ongeacht de wind of de sterkte van de golven. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo DUOTONE NEO D/LAB 2024 € 1.424,50 € 2.849,00 In search of the best wave-riding performance? The Neo D/LAB is the most advanced wave kite available, featuring an Aluula frame that delivers otherworldly performance. Prepare to have you mind blown with this incredible addition to the Duotone line up. In winkelwagen
Promo Promo Cabrinha Surf Cutlass 5'2 2023 € 620,00 FREESTYLE SURF In what could possibly be one of the most fun boards to ride, the Cutlass is a performance fish model. With a slightly wider nose and wide point just front of center, the Cutlass puts a lot of flow and style into your surfing. front pads included in the price In winkelwagen
Promo Promo CABRINHA SPADE 5'3 2023 € 620,00 De Cabrinha Spade is een uitstekend waveboard voor gematigde omstandigheden. Je hoeft niet te wachten op de storm van het jaar! Hij haalt het beste uit alle krachten om je nog meer plezier te geven en elke sessie onvergetelijk te maken! De front pads is inbegrepen in de prijs. fins sell separate In winkelwagen
-€ 700,00 Promo Promo GA KITES SPARK 2023 € 699,00 € 1.399,00 All-round performance and versatility in a huge range of conditions will spark your motivation to push your progression and go for bigger jumps. We completely redesigned the Spark and newly calculated its lift distribution leading to a more sportive behavior. A slightly wider but flatter wing tip reduces bar pressure and increases the Spark’s turning... In winkelwagen
-€ 599,00 Promo Promo GA-KITES PURE 2022 € 600,00 € 1.199,00 Radical performance in waves, during freestyle moves and when freeriding in rough conditions is guaranteed with the 2022 Pure. A progressive arc design leads to superb rigidity, which provides accurate response to your steering impulses. With an increased aspect ratio the power distribution happens homogenously, adding control to the forgiving jumping... In winkelwagen
-€ 170,00 Promo Promo NAISH TT HERO S25 2021 € 259,00 € 429,00 NAISH HERO 2021 maat 130-135 OPTIE Straps GA-Kites maat STANDAARD In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Nitro Apex 2023 € 1.149,50 € 2.299,00 The Nitro is back. A Pat Goodman design from Cab Design Works, which is the pinnacle of Big Air kiting. Development was a no holds barred approach to see just what could be created to reach the extremities of height and stability. An Apex series product, the Nitro utilizes the most cutting edge materials, purposely developed for use in inflatable... In winkelwagen
-€ 872,00 Promo Promo GA-KITE PACK 2022 € 1.535,00 € 2.407,00 PACK GA 2022 Kite Spark 2022 Board Duotone Gonzales + Pads Vario 2023 Barre X6 4-Lines 2022 In winkelwagen
-€ 199,00 Promo Promo GA KITE BARRE X6 4 LINES SHORT 2022/2023 € 350,00 € 549,00 BARSYSTEM X6 - Connecion of convenience and security. GA-Kites made great efforts to ensure a secure grip on the stick. With a diameter of only 23 mm and exceptional ergonomics, the bar lies in the hand as if glued. Easy-to-use safety system ensures immediate operation whenever you need.QR system that meets strict French standards is responsible for your... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo GA KITE SPARK 2022 € 599,50 € 1.199,00 The Spark is designed to be the perfect freeride kite that will get you higher in the air than ever before. The 2022 Spark will allow you to focus on your kite session, not your gear. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Switchblade 2023 € 1.014,50 € 2.029,00 The introduction of the Hybrid Frame and HTD Lite materials has increased not only the range of one of the most adaptable kites in the industry, but also, it’s performance. Through the lighter frame and strategically placed materials, the kite is now quicker to respond to rider input allowing for not only increased maneuverability in lighter winds, but... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Moto X 2023 € 814,50 € 1.629,00 In what was already the most versatile kite in the range, we have taken the performance to an all-new level through not only the latest material advancements from the Cab Design Works Team, but also a new innovative design from Pat Goodman. A kite that can be flown anywhere, by anyone. A kite that allows you to choose the way you ride. A kite that will... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha FX2 2023 € 884,50 € 1.769,00 Air and style are two words synonymous within the board sport industry. Most people develop their skills to achieve one or both of these terms, but to really master them both, you need a product that will allow you to get there. A true crossover kite, the FX2 gives riders the tools to take to the sky in the Big Air realm delivering fast powerful loops... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Drifter 2023 € 814,50 € 1.629,00 One kite that has become synonymous with Cabrinha is the Drifter. A kite that does what its name says. A kite that allows kiters to experience the power of the ocean, a kite that lets you focus on the job at hand instead about worrying about where it is, or what is doing. With multiple world titles behind it and more barrel time than any other kite in the... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Contra 3S 2023 € 994,50 € 1.989,00 20 years ago, the Contra took light wind riding to a new level. It has graced the quivers of many kiters throughout the past two decades acting either as their all-round everyday kite, or as the ultimate session saver. This year sees the largest evolution to the Contra legacy. Through the use of HTD Lite and the Lite Frame technology we have been able... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Contra Aether 2023 € 734,50 € 1.469,00 There is something truly liberating and free when riding a Hydrofoil. This is further heightened when you are able to ride in winds that were not previously thought possible. Conditions where the water is still, and the only noise is the apparent wind in your ears as you glide across the ocean. In winkelwagen
-40% Promo Promo Duotone Select SLS 2023 € 719,40 € 1.199,00 's Werelds meest comfortabele freerideboard krijgt de SLS-behandeling en een nieuwe shape voor 2023, dus kies zeker een maatje meer! Het board is licht, sterk en ongelooflijk responsief, met een Textreme Innegra en Biax Carbon constructie. Dus als cruisen en springen op volle snelheid is wat je graag doet op het water, dan is de Select SLS het board voor... In winkelwagen
-40% Promo Promo Duotone Juice 2023 € 1.373,40 € 2.289,00 De Juice is de populairste kite op de markt voor weinig wind. Het model voor 2022 bouwt voort op jaren van onderzoek en ontwikkeling. Je kunt nu meer tijd op het water doorbrengen dan ooit! In winkelwagen
-€ 199,00 Promo Promo CABRINHA BAR TRIMLITE OVERDRIVE QUICKLOOP M 22/23 € 390,00 € 589,00 The Quickloop Overdrive 1X Trimlite is a highly refined control system with universal compatibility. From its soft and ergonomic adjustable bar ends to its light weight cleat trim and 1X security system, the Quickloop Overdrive 1X Trimlite is a high performance and feature rich method of kite control. What makes the Quickloop Overdrive 1X superior to... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo DUOTONE NEO SLS 2023 € 1.059,50 € 2.119,00 The best wave kite on the market got the SLS treatment; stronger, lighter, and superior, with Penta TX and Trinity TX combining to make a super light and durable kite. With incredible drift, dynamic turning, and a huge range, the Neo SLS is the only kite to take on the water if you ride a surfboard. In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo DUOTONE DICE SLS 2023 € 1.139,50 € 2.279,00 The Dice SLS offers performance across a wide range of disciplines; freestyle, big air, kite loops, and breaking waves, bringing the fun factor to new levels! Light, fast and with even more control, this is the go-to kite for riders who want to ride unhooked. In winkelwagen
-€ 189,00 Promo Niet op voorraad Promo ELEVEIGHT BAR VARY V4+ TPU covered 2022 € 390,00 € 579,00 The CS Vary bar combines the highest safety standards and leading performance features in one variable yet ultra-intuitive system. PERFORMANCE FEATURES Four line bar with single front line safety Adjustable bar width thanks to integrated variable bar ends Thermo-coated high-precision lines made in Germany Intuitive Quick-Matic release system... View
-€ 399,00 Promo Promo Reedin Surf NoBrainer 2021 € 750,00 € 1.149,00 The only strapless board you'll ever need. NoBrainer lets you cruise through choppy water, sticks to your feet when jumping, and will do serious waveriding no matter the type of waves. The unique rocker line, with a step in the back is providing two boards in one: when riding flat water, you stand a little further forward on the board so you are using the... In winkelwagen
-25% Promo Product is beschikbaar met verschillende opties Promo Reedin SuperBinding 2022 € 149,25 € 199,00 Superbinding provides maximum comfort and support with precise board control. Thanks to guaranteed zero hard spots and stiff side winglets. The inner molded side winglets ensure enough stiffness for board control by maintaining solid lateral support, yet the double density internal foam of the footstrap guarantees zero hard spot anywhere on your feet. The... View
-40% Promo Promo Reedin Super E V3 2022 € 508,80 € 848,00 Designed with all the exclusive shaping of the KevPro, but with a different flex pattern and outline that is purposefully designed to give the same unique characteristics for those that ride at normal speeds. The unique Bottom shaping featuring a full concave bottom with triple concave channels is specifically designed to provide maximum grip in the tip... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Reedin Super Model V3 2022 € 749,50 € 1.499,00 Supermodel feels like an extension of your body. you always feel where the kite is and what it's doing. That means you can have the most fun on the water and just focus on your tricks, the waves, or whatever the ocean decides to throw at you.The way the kite turns and flies means it's extremely versatile. It gives huge lift to jump super high and just go... In winkelwagen
-€ 313,00 Promo Promo Cabrinha Spectrum 2022 € 395,00 € 708,00 ALL AROUND FREERIDE At the heart of the twin tip line, the Spectrum has become an iconic board with a huge following. What’s so special about the spectrum is how easy it is to ride and the vast range of use and ability levels it caters for. The spectrum has incredible upwind tracking while the softer flex pattern turns choppy water into a smooth... In winkelwagen
-45% Promo Promo Duotone Evo 2023 € 1.027,95 € 1.869,00 Sometimes you don't want your kite to define your riding, and we all want an easy ride to fast track our progression within the sport. The Evo is that kite, and more, our design team wanted to create not only the most user-friendly kite on the market, the Evo has you covered, it is perfect for those first forays into unhooked riding, and you'll find... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Moto 2022 € 829,50 € 1.659,00 VERSATILE FREERIDE CROSSOVER No matter what the conditions or what style of riding, the Moto has something for every rider. The most versatile kite in our range, the Moto provides lightweight control and immediate response through its unique blend of Pure Arc Segments and Pure Profile segments. This gives the smoothest, cleanest arc shape on the... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Cabrinha Drifter 2022 € 649,50 € 1.299,00 SURF / FREESTYLE SURF It’s in the name. Drift Stability is a term that was created and defined by this kite, and is often used by other brands but rarely duplicated. The worlds most iconic surf kite gives the rider the ultimate ability to quickly control the on off switch of the power, giving the ultimate versatility to either use the kites power,... In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo Duotone Dice 2023 € 934,50 € 1.869,00 Looking for the best freestyle, kite loop kite in the business, the Dice is where it is at, perfect control at all times no matter if you are going huge, looping it or stomping tricks. In winkelwagen
Promo Promo DUOTONE SLICK WING 2021 € 459,00 * Duotone Slick Wing * Most versatile wing * Easy to fly, no matter the conditions! Mini-Boom included in the price Leash are sold separately In winkelwagen
-50% Promo Promo NAISH TRIAD S26 2022 € 689,50 € 1.379,00 * 3 strut, allround easy to fly kite * Easy relaunch and big depower *big wind range * Quad tex for a bulletproof constructon In winkelwagen
-€ 359,00 Promo Promo HB Surf Decade Biax Tech € 990,00 € 1.349,00 * High performance all terain hybrid board * Speed, control and manoeuvrability * Relatively wide and 15% lighter and stronger because of Biax Tech *Tail pad included *Front pads and fins sold separately In winkelwagen
-€ 350,00 Promo Promo HB Surf Lafayette Biax € 1.049,00 € 1.399,00 * Surf and strapless freestyle * 15% Lighter and more solid than the classic construction * Amazing flex *tail pads included *front pads and fins sold separetely In winkelwagen
Promo Promo HB Surf Lafayette 2021 € 750,00 * Smooth and comfortable ride * Perfect compromise between surf and strapless freestyle * Fast acceleration for a fun ride in small waves In winkelwagen
-€ 499,00 Promo Promo NAISH ANTIC 2014 139 + DIGIT pads complete € 300,00 € 799,00 déstockage MATOS board+pads digit complete In winkelwagen
-€ 169,00 Promo Promo Airush Alex Pastor Bindings US 9 2015 € 250,00 € 419,00 kitesurf boots special price In winkelwagen
-€ 425,00 Promo Promo NAISH DUB 136+DIGIT 2015 € 300,00 € 725,00 board complete with digit pads special price In winkelwagen
-€ 669,00 Promo Promo BWS KITE VIBE 2019 € 600,00 € 1.269,00 * Best one strut kite wave kite * Easy to learn and light in the bar * Fast turning and easy relaunch system In winkelwagen
-€ 550,00 Promo Promo Duotone Pro Voke 2020 Surfboard € 499,00 € 1.049,00 * Strapless freestyle weapon * Ideal setup for small to medium waves * Wide and round nose * High performance and light construction *fins included, front pads are sold separately ONLY AVAILABLE ON THE SHOP In winkelwagen
-55% Promo Promo Cabrinha Drifter 2021 € 629,55 € 1.399,00 * Ultimate surf kite * Unmatched drift for down the line surfing * onshore/offshore settings In winkelwagen
-40% Promo Promo Duotone Gonzales complete with foot pads 2021 € 358,80 € 598,00 * Entry level board * Great upwind performance * Round outline +vario pads complete In winkelwagen
-€ 208,00 Promo Promo RRD PLACEBO v7 140 COMPLETE RADPADS 2019 € 450,00 € 658,00 * Great allround board for all beginner to intermediate * Forgiving profile for a comfortable ride * Cuts through the chop and carves very smooth through the turns In winkelwagen
-€ 665,00 Promo Promo HB Legion 2020 € 500,00 € 1.165,00 * Dedicated strapless kite * Amazing drift and depower * 2 different bridle options In winkelwagen
-€ 549,00 Promo Promo HB Legion II 2021 € 650,00 € 1.199,00 * Dedicated strapless kite * Amazing drift and depower * 2 different bridle options In winkelwagen