Kitesurfing bars - The best brands! Matos Kite & Surf shop



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A control bar is essential to the control and safety of your kite. All bars in stock have been tested by team Matos. Do you want more information to help you find the perfect bar for you?

Bars FAQ

A control bar is essential to the control and safety of your kite. All bars in stock have been tested by team Matos.

We sell bars from all the best kitesurf brands. To help you find the perfect bar we answered the most asked questions for you. Call or email for more information.

What is the difference between bars?

Next to the looks and material of the bar, bars from different brands can vary a lot. Including the placement of the V-split, way of depowering, line length, and chickenloop system.

Can you use a bar on a kite from a different brand?

Some bars, like the Duotone Clickbar, can be used on any brand kite. This bar has been developed in a way that it can be modified to work perfectly with any brand kite. This is also the favorite bar from our team riders and Oli, the owner of Matos. But not every bar is compatible with every kite. When in doubt, please contact us for more information.

Which size bar do I need?

The right size bar depends on your kite or kite-set. Many bars nowadays are adjustable in width, so can use one size bar for all sizes kites. The Overdrive M (44-52 cm) from Cabrinha is a good example of an adjustable bar and is the favorite bar of Isa, from the Matos Family. For the smallest and big lightwind kites it can be an advantage to have an extra small or big control bar.

What should I do when something on my bar is broken?

Almost all parts of the bar are replaceable. Contact the shop so one of our Matos team members can help you find the right replacement part. After a long time, some parts of the bar or lines can wear off. To slow down this proces, make sure to clean your bar with fresh water after every session and avoid leaving the bar in direct sunlight when you’re not using it. It is also important to regularly check your bar for wear and tear to avoid dangerous situations on the beach and on the water.

More questions?

Get in touch with the Matos team by email or by phone.

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